Aloha from maui
Let us help you find or sell your dream home, property or investment in Hawaii.
Aloha from maui
Let us help you find or sell your dream home, property or investment in Hawaii.
Let us help you find or sell your dream home, property or investment in Hawaii.
Let us help you find or sell your dream home, property or investment in Hawaii.
If you have questions about affordability, credit, legal matters, or income, trust us to find you what you need fast. We make sure you feel confident and educated every step of the way.
Large or small, condo or mansion, we can find it and get it for you at the price that's right. TICs? Fixer-uppers? Luxury? We can help with all of it. We always have a current list of available properties for you to check out.
Nervous about your property adventure? Don’t be. Whether you're getting ready to buy or sell, in the middle of it, or just looking for some answers, our top-notch skills ensure you get the best experience possible. It’s what we love to do.
Born and raised on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii. She has lived all over the island from the warm and sunny Westside to the jungles of the North Shore and up the slopes of Haleakala. She has extensive knowledge of the island of Maui and has seen this island grow and the Real Estate industry evolve over her 35 years here. Genafer has bought, sold and renovated multiple homes for herself over the years and loves the excitement of buying and selling Real Estate. She is so excited for this new career and the opportunity to help others fulfill their Real Estate dreams. When Genafer is not selling real estate she enjoys spending time with friends and family and has a passion for travel, food and nature.
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